Josip once again delighted the audience and judges with his works at major painting competitions held in Italy. The artist, who, as he himself explains, speaks with a brush and paints, has continued a series of winning awards at prestigious exhibitions, where he points out that he sometimes surprises himself. During the several decades that he has been engaged in painting, he has created the largest number of works using acrylic and dry pastel techniques. In response to the 21st World Exhibition of deaf artists held in Milan (Proloco di Cuvio), he decided to try painting with oil on canvas, and the success was complete: in the competition featuring more than seventy artists from 17 countries, Vukojevic won the First Prize! In addition to Milan, our painter notably participated in the IV. "Biennale internazionale degli artisti figurativi sordi" held in Rome. The plaque that arrived in Croatia is just a continuation of a great series because Vukojević has already won prizes at major exhibitions in Italy and Albania. He can also boast of 38 independent exhibitions and more than 200 group exhibitions, as well as participation in more than 180 colonies. "At every exhibition, I want to take advantage of the opportunity given to me, as it is a way of fighting against a handicap. I dedicate the awards I receive to all deaf people because they are proof that despite physical challenges, much can be achieved in life," explains Josip. That's why he is particularly proud of his work with deaf painters, to whom he serves as a teacher and mentor.