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A dozen members of cultural associations for the hearing impaired, "World of Silence," were hosted by the former President of the Republic of Croatia, Ivo Josipović. Among the guests were also the brothers Nikola and Josip Vukojević. The special interest of the former president was aroused by Josip, whose gift, a painting with a Slavonian motif of a horse-drawn carriage, delighted Josipović. He really liked the picture and was delighted with its originality. It means a lot, especially since the former president immediately engaged his officials to hang the painting on the wall, explains the artist Josip Vukojević. Former President Josipović showed great interest in the work of hearing-impaired artists, supported the activities they carry out, and promised to come to each of their exhibitions whenever his commitments allow.

Josip Vukojevic Ivo Josipovic
Ivo Josipovic, Nikola Josip Vukojevic.jpg
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